We have all been there at one point or another: the fear that begins to creep in when we have to take a day off from training. Whether this is due to energy levels, family/life obligations, or injury prevention, a day can feel like an eternity for most endurance athletes. What would happen if...
Indoor Cycling Drills that Build Strength and Efficiency
Many training programs include a day, or even a few days dedicated to drill work. Before a track session, runners will perform a routine of warm-up drills and activation to prepare themselves for the task ahead. Swimmers perform drills almost every single practice during warm-up to make sure that their form is set up...
Don’t Bail on a Workout, Adjust It
While we all imagine executing our training to a T, rarely is this the case. More often than not, the path to success resembles more of a wet noodle than that of a straight line. The bottom line is: that’s okay. Even more so, it is to be expected. We can’t always be at...
Ask the Experts: When to Skip a Workout
It happens to all of us: we wake up feeling under the weather or perhaps we had a terrible night of sleep, BUT you have a workout on the schedule for today: so what do you do? If you work with a coach it can be reassuring to hear the words, “it’s okay to...
By The Numbers: Ian Boswell’s Unbound Win
The first big gravel monument of 2021 is done and dusted. After a grueling day of riding across the hot, windy, and at times chunky gravel roads of Kansas’s UNBOUND Gravel signature event, Wahoo athlete Ian Boswell took the top step of the podium in the 200-mile race with a winning time of 10:17:24. ...
The Comprehensive Guide to Gravel Training and Racing
It’s no secret that Gravel Bike Racing is the new shazam and events are popping up all over the world to take advantage of the craze. There are so many different types of gravel grinder events from charity rides to grand fondos to full-blown races and they come in all shapes and sizes. Here...
Are You Overtrained? Warning Signs of Overtraining
It can begin with a simple idea that doing one more training session can help improve your performance. Perhaps one more interval, or one more mile, and this leads you down a rabbit hole of constant doubt if what you’re doing is enough. Working hard is an excellent attribute to possess, but when overworking (and...
ATE: When To Go Slow, So You Can Be Fast
Training is a time to work on our weaknesses, increase our strengths, and really test our limits of performance in a low-risk environment. The inevitable desire to make every single session a PR gradually creeps into your mind as you progress with training and begin to see fitness gains. Soon enough you find yourself...
How Does Age Impact Performance and Recovery?
Age is just a number, or is it? While we should not fear getting older, we must also face the facts that our bodies at 65 do not function as they did at 25. Though we tend to discover new creaks and cracks in our joints throughout our life, this does not mean that...
Finding Balance: Managing Life and Training
Images by Marco Merati Time away from in-season training can sometimes be difficult to manage for many athletes. When you no longer have structured training and schedules, you may find yourself overwhelmed with your available time. Being able to balance both sport and life is a skill that takes time to iron out the...
Ask the Experts: Movement and Why it Matters
It is common in the world of endurance sports for athletes to solely focus on the workouts we deem as important. These workouts would include sessions that are building their cardiovascular endurance since that is the only way to get better, right? For the time-crunched athlete who needs to skip a workout(s), more times than...
Ask the Experts: Bike Fit for Performance
Whether you are purchasing a bike for the first time, or a seasoned veteran, one thing that will always remain an integral part of any cyclist’s arsenal is a proper road bike fit. Professional bike fits are crucial to not only performance but your comfort on the bike. When your bike setup is comfortable,...